Monday, December 12, 2011
One of my breaths for my AP art studio class. They are set words and this one happens to be Gatorade. If you can't tell its the eye of an alligator and then the gatorade logo as its eye. Its done with prisma colored pencils.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
To be or not to be? That is the question.
Hamlet ,but backwards. Skull holding Shakespeares head. Watched Lord of the Rings all day and drew this. Its kind awesome I might say.
Harry Potter
After a day at quidditch club my buddy and I went to go have a wand battle and we took pictures and i photoshopped them too look real.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
If you look in my backpack there will always be Pokemon cards. For fun during class I draw your typical pokemon like Blastoise and Abra! Pokemon 4 lyfe
The Beginning
Alright, so all the photos I just uploaded are past drawings that I have done and I just wanted to get them up here for you all to see. That is me on the left with the superman shirt. The little man in the middle is my boss at hy-vee and the man on the left is my best friend Logan. I will be posting new pictures whenever I finish them! Most importantly I will post my podcast from my school, they are quite funny. You can find them all on or you can just go onto the left hand side of my blog and find them there! Kennedy Torch Cedar Rapids Iowa, get at us.
The Dark Knight Comic
So we had a lot of cyber bullying going on at my school and for my school newspaper I decided I would do a comic on it. I used the Dark Knight because if you fight back and bully the person that bullies you, are you better than them? I drew this and then colored it in photoshop and it took me about a week to do.
Alien Abduction
I drew this with some square pastels and i wanted to draw a picture of aliens so I thought of a guy just stand on a hill and aliens come up and take him away and that is what this is!
Music Collage
I literally sat in class for two weeks my junior year and drew this in math class everyday. Thats probably why I don't take math anymore. Just a bunch of quotes from songs that I like then the infamous Cheech and Chong at the top!
Melting Snowman
This snowman here was on his way to the fridge inside to get a drink of water when all of a sudden he started melting! Someone obviously turned up the heat in his house here.
Sink It, Drink It!
I wanted a cool action picture and i decided to draw a picture of beer pong and the ball being thrown from the opposite side and you can see the ball about to fall into the cup hopefully!
Mike Posner
I went to Mike Posner concert in Iowa City, Iowa for Hawkapalooza with some buddies and the show was ridiculous. I went home and drew this right after.
Wiz Khalifa
Ignore the fact of him smoking, he's a good artist and I'm not going to argue that he is wack and someone else is better, I really don't care. But i wanted to draw him and these are the pictures i drew! They both look me 6 hours.
My Dog Brandon
Now this is my rescue dog Brandon, and he came with that name. Plain and simple, hes the best dog and the definition of mans best friend. So i drew him by our pond!
Strange Clouds, B.o.B Drawing
Ok, when the song strange clouds came out I was listening to it on my skullcandy headphones and it blew my mind. I grabbed some square pastels and drew these strange clouds. Every time the background music make that loud noise, I feel like a lighting bolt should be striking down so I incorporated that into my drawing.
Hand Battle
In this picture i actually drew this all during class over a couple of days. I would just hold up my hand and draw my hand and then put the gun effects and the scales for the alligator.
Fast Food Junkie
Lets face it, fast food is awesome. But obviously grilling hamburgers is way better and they look like the actual hamburger in the commercial. When you get your hamburger at McDonald's it looks nothing like the commercial kind so this is my commercial hamburger.
King of the Jungle
Quick drawing before work. I wanted to do some animals and practice with hair ,but I'm still working on it.
Halloween Tips
This was the first comic I ever drew for the Torch. Spiderman has a different way of trick-or-treating.
Big Sean "Too Fake"

I hope you have heard of Big Sean and have listened to his song Too Fake. In the song he says lobster, shrimp and calamari on my plate. So i drew Big Sean having a picnik and having lobster, shrimp and calamari! And if you haven't listened to his song, there is the music video. Chiddy Bang is awesome too :)
The Academy
A drawing of my good buddy Mike Lawshea and Shaq Davis or better known as the Academy! My buddies are about to drop a mixtape here soon and ill post those later but watch out for these kids! SWOD
I've Got An Idea!
I drew this picture with charcoal and square pastels. Its a man who has a brilliant idea ,but his head is the idea light bulb. I took me about 45 minutes to draw.
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